Lord Michael, De-cloak and Risk Demonization, December 1, 2017

by Christine Preston,

Christine: Hi Lightworkers! I have received a message from Archangel Michael on the very important matter of the identification of the Sons of God of Genesis 6, after asking for his opinion on this, and after doing the Call for the Tube of Light 27 times, as well as a call to him 9 times. I first heard him saying ‘I heard Christine, I will give you a dictation’, but his message was given after I received a collective one from the Ascended Masters, which was in response to a Prayer that Jennifer posted on my Facebook page, in relation to Ashtar’s fleet to decloack. It seems that they have used it to go into what they call ‘a great operation’. At the end of the message you will see that Archangel Michael confirms this, saying that some operations to open minds are being considered. His message is in relation to an obstacle to the de-cloaking of Ashtar’s Fleets. It is to do with the spreading of ideas in some videos that are the result of misinterpretations and represent a demonization of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings.
Fleets to Decloack!

The Masters: We are the Ascended Masters. We are speaking now because you did these decrees today. We are about to go into a great operation. You are wondering why we speak as a collective. It is because you made some comments about us on your Facebook page. The operation we are about to commence concerns that which you are all concerned about, namely the transformation of the psyche of a lot of souls, or people, who are under the spell of an indoctrination, indeed. You say ‘how wonderful! Thank you’. Was it planned? Yes and No. Not at this time yet, but you are all impatient to hear that some sort of contact is taking place. So we have triggered an event and will go from there, see what can develop. We will now pass this dictation to your elder brother Archangel Michael, to take over:

Christine: My introduction to the subject of the identification of the Sons of God of Genesis 6, as well as to Archangel Michael’s message, is long and motivated because of the existence on YouTube of videos that are disseminating theories on the basis of some misinterpretations that need to be rectified, if possible, because a certain demonization is being carried out about the source from which telepathic messages are being received.

For new friends and listeners who are not familiar with the playlists of the Video Publishers who go by the names of Matt Muckleroy [for the Galactic Federation of Light] and Chua [for the Secret Garden], I am one of many, probably hundreds, or even thousands, of messengers and channelers who receive messages from a range of Beings who are of the Light and dwell upon what we call the realms of higher dimensions. These are what the followers of the various Christian denominations call Heaven. I have a video entitled ‘Introduction to Ascension’ in which it is explained that it is a phenomenon of great significance for this age and end of time ‘when only evil will end’, but it is being ignored in academic circles. It is also said that it is not a new phenomenon because such contacts have taken place in the past and resulted with teachings from which the world’s religions have derived. Religions have stemmed from a record of the lives of the great incarnations of the beings who transmitted the information, or knowledge, they acquired from their contact with their Higher Self, or with the Spirit of God, or the Archangels. Jesus Christ for instance was in communication with the one he called ‘His Father’. This Being was the Father aspect of God in the I Am Presence who was revealed to Moses as ‘I Am that I Am’. Some Christians claim today to be prophesying and to be the recipient of some communication from the Spirit of God. They use a different terminology but it is the same thing. The religions of the world have suffered deteriorations as a result of misinterpretations, and on the surface their teachings appear different, but in essence there is the same message at the core, and they seem to differ, but language, culture, and history, play a part in the creation of their external façade. With regard to the phenomenon of telepathic communication, it is not new and you will notice that there is an ever-increasing amount of messages being generated on videos on YouTube. The reason has been explained in the 17th on my list of the videos published by Matt Muckleroy in 2016. The link is as follows:

I have addressed the fact that the Heavens of the world’s Scriptures and Religions in antiquity were the equivalent of the scientific concept of Dimensions today. This is in the video entitled ‘Ascension in the Past’ published on January 29, 2016. In my book ‘From the Words of Angels’ [2012], I say in Chapter 3 that Christianity does not conceive more than one heaven despite the concept of purgatory and hell, but that in the Book of Enoch, however, there are references to many heavens, or celestial spheres that are clearly described as dimensions below, or above, the physical plane of existence. In the Book of Enoch translated by Dr. R. Laurence, a Hebrew Professor at Oxford, and reproduced by E. C. Prophet in ‘Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch’, the physical Eden is in the East on the Fourth Heaven, and Paradise of Eden is situated upon the Third Heaven ‘between corruptibility and incorruptibility’. I give a footnote for that statement. It states that the angels and ascended beings reside on the Tenth Heaven. It is where Enoch is taken and where he receives an Initiation, while out of his body, as it is stated in 1 Enoch 1, page 89 of the Messenger’s book published in 1989:

Quote: Enoch […] who was with God, answered and spoke while his eyes were open and while he saw a holy vision in the heavens.

Enoch’s travels to the Heavens correspond to the tradition of the hermetic initiatory journeys, those of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus who was known to the Greeks by this name and to the Egyptians as Thoth. They were the result of an altered state of consciousness, the same that we experience today in the spiritual and religious movements. Enoch states he was taken by angels to the third heaven a ‘Paradise of Eden’ that was ‘in the midst of the trees of Life’ and ‘between corruptibility and incorruptibility’. This shows that the heavens or dimensions are determined by states of consciousness, or that you have access to higher dimensions depending on your own state of consciousness. You can be risen up the ladder of these dimensions by raising your vibrations, and an Archangel can help you to accomplish this if you meditate and focus in what seems to then become a sacred ritual of communion. Ascension involves a transformation of consciousness and the integration of what we call Christ consciousness, but basically it is higher consciousness, and relates to the psyche. This psyche is a forcefield of human energies that need to be transformed into the positive polarity of the higher, or Great God Self. It is what the Call ‘for the Tube of Light’, that was published by the Summit Lighthouse, states. It actually originated from Saint Germain. The Ascension is not just for liberation from mortality. Basically, its objective is the raising up of physical matter to a higher dimension for the recovery of the state of paradise. The awakening leads to the creation of the fifth kingdom, the one that develops from the human kingdom, and this concept has been referred to in previous videos. There are two kinds of ascension. One can be taken after one’s transition upon the etheric realm after death, the other is by a virtual resurrection of the body and even a transformation of the environment. We are working on this at the moment. We are about to enter a phase of reconstruction of civilization when we turn the page of the Transition period at the date of February 18, 2018, a date given to me by Archeia Faith. Please note the video entitled ‘How to Prepare for Telepathic Contact’ because it is happening and will be increasing as Mentors from the Higher Dimensions, some of whom are descending and lowering their vibration in order to come half way and meet us, are going to enter into communication with the many souls who are destined to be involved in this first contact.

The ancient Egyptian writings known as ‘The Hermetica’ discuss the reintegration of man to a higher celestial sphere under the term of ‘the Ogdoad’. These texts convey the message that immortality can be won by a transformation of the soul through right thought and deed. It is what permits the weaving of a solar body for the soul, or lower self, during one’s lifetime, for an ascension and resurrection. The dimensions are also called ‘celestial spheres’ in the sense of realm, or levels. Hermetic teachings teach the principle of the recovery of the Perfect Nature that Adam possessed, and that Seth, his 3rd son lost. The perfect nature is the form and image of the divine Self, or Higher Self., that has to be integrated, just as Jesus Christ demonstrated it. That Perfect Nature is also called the Heavenly Man, a celestial counterpart that is said to have remained in heaven after the fall of mankind into the human body. It was represented as an immortal Light Body. It is equivalent to the Diamond Body of Tibetan Buddhism! It is interesting that the Hebrew patriarchs are said in Genesis to have suffered a gradual shortening of their lifespan by comparison to Adam’s life of 900 years, or that of Noah of 800. It was due to a separation from that celestial counterpart in incarnation. According to Corpus Hermeticum mankind’s destiny is to manifest a physical golden age. All of these concepts are very much in line with the contemporary messages received from the Archangels and Ascended Masters. Liberation from the wheel of Life involves the opposite from a neglect of the material environment, and in fact the Earth as a multi-dimensional platform of life, is awaiting great transformations which will be possible because of mankind’s achieving higher consciousness, because the progress of each soul has an effect upon other people as well as the world. Paradise also is the lost golden age of Lemuria, due to the fact that some dark forces called Nephilim, in Genesis, plotted to enslave mankind and sabotaged the project of Ascension. The term Nephilim appears in the Masoretic text of Genesis 6:1-4, where it is said:

Quote: When man began to multiply on the land, and when daughters were born to them, the sons of God [……] took wives for themselves from any they chose. [……] The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also afterwards.

Then Genesis 6 states that the ‘Sons of God’ bore children from the wives they took for themselves. Scholars have said that there are many possible interpretations for the ‘Sons of God’ as they were god-like, divine rulers, superior men, initiators, or had all of these characteristics at the same time. The question of the identity of the Sons of God has been the subject of unsolved debates in the circles of theologians, Church fathers, scholars, and even scientists, during the last 2000 years. It is regarded as the most problematic of all times in Theology. The task of recovering the original sense, they say, ‘is monumental’.

They do not know that one is a ‘son’ or ‘daughter’ of God because of the threefold flame in the heart chakra that links us to the I Am Presence. Some 19th century scholars looked at the term ‘Bene Haelohim’ or ‘Bene Elohim’ which means ‘divine and angelic’ everywhere else in the biblical records, and decided the Sons of God were therefore good. It was a problem because Genesis 6 seems to be a parallel story to that of the Watchers in the Book of Enoch. In antiquity theologians asked ‘If they were good, why did they fall from heaven?’ And they asked ‘If they were bad, why were they called ‘Sons of God’? But despite the fact that they could not have been bad on the basis of what they were called, there are many interpretations today that cast the Sons of God in the wrong light, and derive various theories that are totally inaccurate and even dangerous at this time. The interpretation that the Sons of God were Nephilim is one of the false teachings of the age. I will explain why but first I must mention that in the three main categories of interpretation proposed by scholars for the identity and nature of the ‘Sons of God’ over the last 2000 years, are as follows:

Quote: 1. the view of the ‘Sons of God’ as godlike, angelic, or spiritual, but incorporeal;
2. The view of superior men such as Kings, or other rulers.
3. That of the Sethite interpretation of the Church, as righteous men, but material in the normal sense of the word, and the descendants of Seth, the 3rd son of Adam, as oppose to the sinful descendants of Cain.

It is very important to understand that the incorrect classification of the Sons of God as ‘incorporeal’ as it was in the days of Origen of Alexandria, in about 250 AD, is what led to the ‘fallen angel’ theory. It is actually later that the Roman Church caused the Book of Enoch to go out of circulation because of the embarrassing parallel with the Watchers, as the reasoning was that if the ‘Sons of God’ were the same beings as ‘The Watchers’ of the Book of Enoch, then they were bad because they had sinned, and God had not spared the Watchers, nor spared the Old World, but only saved Noah. The Old World is the antediluvian world, the world that precedes the catastrophes that ended the Atlantean age, of course. The Atlantean civilization was destroyed by water, so was the Old World of Genesis, by The Flood, or universal deluge. The corroboration for such a myth and legend has been provided by Graham Hancock, so I will not digress too much except to say that despite the dates provided for the biblical Flood, if it was more than a myth it was more ancient than has been suggested, and could correspond to a last serious change in 10,500 BC, or the submersion of the island that Plato called Atlantis after its parent continent, 11,600 years ago.

There is a reference to the Watchers in the Second Epistle of Peter 2, calling them the ‘angels’ who sinned in the antediluvian age. The writer must have been influenced by the early theologians who interpreted that Genesis 6 was telling a story of fall about the Nephilim and that the ‘Sons of God’ were Nephilim. This is an incorrect conclusion because it was the progeny of the Sons of God who were the Nephilim and their progenitors, or fathers, were angelic or divine, or had descended from a higher dimension into physical form. As I have mentioned it before in relation to there being many heavens, Hermetism tells us that Adam was divine. Adam is the personification of that race referred to as the Sons of God. The first rulers of the Egyptian Dynasty were also believed to have been divine in the first place and then to have become mortal. In Eastern legends the gods had become ‘no-gods’ and the ‘sura’ had become ‘a-sura’, indicating an absence of divinity. In the second and third century AD Clement and Origen of Alexandria believed in fallen angels but with the difference that they accepted the full materiality of the so-called angels who had cohabited with the daughters of man. The problem appeared later, when their opponents expounded that the fallen angels were incorporeal. However, because of this they wrecked their brain to explain how these fallen ones, who were incorporeal, managed to make the daughters of man pregnant! The matter was debated over a period of 3 centuries! Then eventually Augustine rejected the Book of Enoch. The fathers of the Church solved the dilemma by declaring an anathema on the fallen angel theory and replacing it by the Sethian one, in which the ‘Sons of God’ were the descendants of Seth, the first human who does not possess the perfect nature. The Hebrew word ‘Nephilim’ was also translated as ‘giants’ in the Greek Septuagint to eliminate a connotation with the notion of ‘fallen angels’ and ‘Watchers’ because the book of Enoch was actually banned and was taken out of circulation. A scholar by the name of Julian Morgenstern was of the opinion that the Nephilim and ‘Sons of God’ were two distinct groups of beings. He said that Nephilim in Hebrew is a term in the passive voice meaning ‘made to fall’ [souls cast on earth, into embodiment] to be associated with the Greek term ‘eblethesan’ for the Devil! Genesis 6 would therefore have made a reference to the embodiment of the dark powers represented as a Dragon, or Lucifer, as the Nephilim. The parallel is found in the sentence of the Book of Revelation 12:4, where Lucifer is called a Dragon, as follows:

Quote: and the Great Dragon was cast out, that old Serpent called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

The Roman Church assessed that the fall of Lucifer in Isaiah 1:12-15 was a fall by pride. This metaphor links the Luciferian fall by pride to the Serpent Deity and Serpent-Dragon cult of the Atlanteans. One third of the stars were depicted as having fallen from heaven and this third was represented as the tail of this Dragon.

This is in line with the messages and teachings I have received from Archangel Michael and some Ascended Masters, including the ones from Mother Mary that addresses the matter of ‘Why Archangel Michael fashioned his sword of blue flame’, published by Matt Muckleroy on February 28, 2016, because the tail of this dragon were souls that were allowed to incarnate during the Lemurian era. They are the ones in connection with the Evil Pyramid of Control that are being opposed by the forces of the Light at this time! These forces of darkness were cast on earth as the book of Revelation also states.

It is very important to understand that the forces of darkness were incarnated in physical bodies. After they created the Atlantean civilization, its downfall and disasters, they were bound in chain and kept in the bottomless pits, which stand for the lower astral plane, so they were prevented from incarnating, as a phase of the Judgment decreed upon them by the Almighty God. According to Enoch a divine command was given to the Archangels to leave but one tenth of these dark souls in embodiment on earth and to bind the rest in the place of condemnation. The Flood appears to have been Phase One of the Judgment that was decreed upon the Nephilim because they had created chaos and corruption upon the Earth. The expression ‘under the earth’ was used for the place where they were retained for a while before being released again. In Nordic mythology or cosmology, there is an underworld of the Niflheim spelled ‘N I F L H E I M’ in which heim [H E I M] means home as in Old English. The term is rather similar to Nephilim. It is situated below Midgard [M I D G A R D] or Middle Garden or Middle Earth, and the term Earth comes from ARD or ERD. There also is a higher celestial Asgard, where reside the Asa Lords, or Angelic beings. The platform of life is a realm and is The Garden!

With regard to the question of the embodiment of the forces of darkness that were cast on earth, John the Evangelist stated that ‘when Satan fell his face became wholly like that of a man.’ Also, Jesus appears to have implied that the Pharisees were incarnations of fallen angels, and that they were from the underworld. He said to them:

Quote: Ye are from beneath; I am from above.

From Above means from the higher dimensions, as opposed to the lower astral plane, or bottomless pits, or Sheol, the Hebrew underworld. In Gnosticism it would have been a distinction between the Realm of Light and the Realm of Darkness.

In the Greek original, according to John 3:3, Jesus’ statement to Nicodemus is:

Quote: Except a man is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

This is a statement about the higher consciousness that we need to integrate to gain the perception of truth through the 3rd eye chakra.

According to the Messenger E. C. Prophet, the embodiment of fallen powers would explain the rule and control of psychopaths lie the Pilates, the Herods, blood thirsty emperors, high priests with a dark agenda demanding blood sacrifices, money changers, over common man. Those fallen ones, the laggards, are different from the children of the Light, and are embodied in all races. So she warned:

E. C. Prophet: No racism or religious separatism is permitted when dealing with the tares and the wheat [page 74 in ‘Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch’, 1977].

She also said, page 11, that the giants were prophesied to return after the sinking of the continent of Atlantis, and that they will continue incarnating till the Judgment is completed. They have, of course, done so, and we have recently seen their work of deception and accusation in the battle against President Donald Trump who was the only person in a position to be able to oppose them and their Establishment.

In the book of Enoch the Judgment has at least 3 phases, the first one of which was the Flood, as if the only way to start life again, following the corruption of the Old world, was to flush them away, annihilate them genetically, and prevent them to incarnate to give mankind time to recover some kind of civilization. So those souls were retained in chains symbolically for a period I have calculated to be 8,400 years from information provided in scriptures. During the Atlantean age, these souls misused powers they inherited from their fathers, in a genetic way, psychic powers, which I suspect permitted them to turn living things to stone! Alternative researchers have called them the illuminati.

I will now explain that there are serious errors in relation to the identification of the ‘Sons of God of Genesis 6’ that has led some researchers to demonize the Ascended Masters. There are some misinterpretations in which the conclusion given is that ‘if a first contact occurs with some extraterrestrial beings, they will be fallen angels or antichrist.’

We know that we are multi-dimensional and that we are to integrate higher consciousness. At the same time we expect a contact which will be, and already is taking place, by telepathic communication, with the beings of higher dimensions. So I would like to stress the difference between the concepts of an origin from a higher dimension as opposed to ‘extraterrestrial’. The contact is not going to take place because of the recent arrival of a galactic brigade, or Nibiru planet, or anything of this kind, but because we have risen to a higher place upon the ladder of consciousness and of the dimensions. What I am trying to say is that what is going to happen is much greater than a first contact with extraterrestrial life. Our Celestial Counterparts left in heaven are reaching to us and we are rising to meet them half way, and this is a Family reunion. They have not gone anywhere and are not sufficiently far from us to be called Extraterrestrial. Lord Sanat Kumara, for instance, has taken an etheric incarnation and been supervising spiritual evolution during the last 18 million years!

Archangel Michael’s Message, December 1, 2017

Lord Michael: This is Archangel Michael. I would like at this time to give you all, dear ones, an exhortation to call for the Tube of Light, my own blue flame, as well as the Violet Flame from the heart of Saint Germain, as this is extremely beneficial for your Ascension, and for us to obtain permission to intervene and carry out some operations such as raising your own vibrations, giving you healing, bringing about better situations and conditions, or supply in your lives, as well as causing some changes in the world, and causing new views to emerge. It is true that humanity has been indoctrinated by many means over a vast range of subjects, that much truth has been suppressed, and that this situation could cause many problems if we appear, as you would like us to. The reverse is true as well. We could appear and in this way create some shock to the system of these unbelievers, or those people who have been misled to believe that the Ascended Masters would be beings equivalent to the dark powers that have plagued the Earth for so many thousands of years. They have such a belief or theory because they are biased, or prejudiced, as a result of false loyalty, believing Jesus is unique and no Ascended Masters can therefore exist. I mean these people are victims of blind faith or loyalty to their Bible. Furthermore they are misled to believe that the Ascended Masters are antichrist on the basis of a misinterpretation of Genesis 6. They are convinced an antichrist will appear in the form of some sky gods decloaking in the sky, or appearing as extraterrestrials in spaceships. They are ignorant of the fact that souls of darkness were cast on earth, by myself, after a galactic battle, and have taken embodiment, and that evil has been around them for decades, and been the source of calamities for thousands of years. Their Antichrist will not appear in the sky except by the magic of some secret space program carried out by the forces of darkness that have been cast into embodiment. That Antichrist comes from below, from the lower astral plane, gets into human incarnation, and is a human being among you who have the thread to the I Am Presence that they do not have. The event of these souls having been cast on earth, originally, has been recorded in the Book of Revelation where you read about the symbolic Red Dragon being cast on earth. It has been explained before that I fashioned a sword of blue flame at the time and approached the priests in the Temples of the Lemurian Age to warn them about the arrival of these beings via the method of incarnation, and to prepare because of the effluvia that would emanate from them. It did cause the downfall of the civilization of Atlantis. These souls of darkness, who misused the Light and powers of their fathers, were hateful towards the Light and were black magicians who had a previous existence. They sabotaged the Plan of Ascension at the time as it had to be aborted. Having a greater capacity for the intellectual abilities than their parents, they took control, because these abilities resurfaced, and they recreated the technology they had in a former embodiment. Their parents had volunteered to provide bodies for them, to have them as their children, following the destruction of their world. The people who pre-existed those dark ones, who came by the means of incarnation, those parents were gentle, spiritual, and not yet affected by any notion of materialism, technology, or intellectualism. The dark ones took control, manipulated them and worked their way upon the echelons of the political leadership, the priest-kings, and infiltrated that leadership, then seceded from the Lemurian motherland. That is when all hell broke loose as recorded in the book of Genesis which classifies the antediluvian [before the Flood] period as the Old World. These souls who misused the powers they inherited from their fathers the ‘Sons of God’, were the progeny that were referred to as the fallen ones, or Nephilim, and there indeed were Nephilim in those days after the Sons of God entered into union with some daughters of man located on the last island of the Seven Sisters Islands of Atlantis, the one called Poseidonis. The Bene Haelohim, or Sons of God, were of a genetic superior class, or race, originating from the Himalayas, that was more ancient and that had survived some previous cataclysms. They still dwelled in the consciousness of the 5th dimension and had corresponding powers.

I must tell you that it is unfortunate that the scribes, who wrote as Enoch and attempted to record those Flood and postdiluvian events, lacked understanding, and in their confusion, treated different beings who appeared to have had a supernatural origin, as if they were the same. They did not distinguish between the Watchers, those Beings who entered into the inter-marriages and those other dark beings who corrupted the earth with a knowledge that was represented as the forbidden Tree of Knowledge in Genesis. Those extraordinary relationships were later remembered as marriages between heaven and earth, and, perhaps, a parallel exists with those about to take place today between twin flames, when one of them descends from a higher vibration. A sacred marriage is also alluded to in the reference to the Cosmic Christ receiving his bride, the mystical body of God, the manifestation of the Mother in the material world, the Souls that represent the true Church. There is the sacred communion of twin flames when one dwells upon the higher realm and the other in the manifestation of the body of the World Mother. There are Cosmic Beings separated in this way because their divine complement has been sent into embodiment for the purpose of holding a balance of Light in this world of form, upon which is taking place the Armageddon of the psyche. It is so because the opposites of the Light and Dark have battled to cause mankind to change. The powers of the Light are working to cause the Awakening, which in turn provides the perception and vision that is enlightened, whereas the Dark powers have struggled with various agendas to hold souls prisoners in a matrix of lies and false perceptions. The foundation of these false concepts can be traced back to the dividing of the Way in the Age of Atlantis. There was but one Way before those souls had to be introduced to this realm. The descendants of the Sons of God, or the progeny of the latter, were not all incarnations of those evil souls called Nephilim. The Fifth Root Race had been created from the Third one whereas the Atlanteans were of the Fourth Root Race.

Notes from Christine: A holy stock had been preserved and it was from the divine instructors who had attained mastery during the Third Race, and had survived cataclysms in the Lemurian Age in the Gobi region. The Hindus call this generic progenitor Vaivasvata Manu and he is the Himalayan counterpart of the Noah of Genesis. Seven sages, or Rishis, accompany Manu in his Ark, or Ship, and his progeny is called Aryas. But let’s return to Archangel Michael’s dictation:

Lord Michael: This 5th Root Race was Aryan in the sense of corresponding to the Manu Race of the Himalayas. The refugees of the Atlantean disasters were of this 5th Aryan Race with white skin and blue eyes, and this opinion is not popular, but it was recorded in scripture that this is how Noah looked. His skin was white and his hair was like wool. The Atlanteans were concerned about this and may have had mixed feelings about the ‘Sons of God’ as well as the fact that their daughters were giving birth to different children.

Some researchers make statements and associations which are the result of some misinterpretation and wild imagination. You, lightworkers, have changed enormously over the period of the last 5 years. You had little understanding with regard to the Ascension before the year 2012. You see what progress has been made and how much more spiritual is your orientation now! So you can imagine how little enlightened people were in the days the book of Enoch was recorded, and when H. P. Blavatsky, who is the recipient of so much criticism by these researchers, probed the occult, which means ‘hidden’. Some messages were channeled from the twelve hierarchies of spiritual beings who direct human evolution from the inner plane of existence. They are called Lords of the Flame. There are seven Beings called ‘Kumara’ who manifest as collective Intelligences, and the Archangels are such Spirits. They operate under higher dimensional authorities and include in their ranks the Chohans, Mahatmas, and Ascended Masters referred to globally as ‘the Great White Brotherhood’. So, you see, when it is time for you to experience a supernatural contact or telepathic communication, it is not from Extraterrestrials, but from the higher dimensions!

Note from Christine: Because of certain accusations against Blavatsky, please also note that the Aryan concept of the Nazis was different from that of Blavatsky’s Aryans. The Nazis researched Scandinavian mythology and the metaphysical lore of the Edda and then claimed a superior ancestry for the German people. It has been said that their philosophical digressions led to ethnic cleansing. Blavatsky, however, places the appearance of the Aryans in the antediluvian period. If it is true that the Nazis made Blavatsky’s doctrine the starting point of their mysticism, they must have sidelined 99% of her views in relation to the origin of the Aryan race. It can be argued that if Noah’s sons were Aryan, and the Jews descended from the Hebrews, they should also have been Aryan. It may be that Blavatsky was wrongly represented as the geneticist of the Nazis’ frenzy because the Jews of recent history are not the same as those of the Biblical records.

Lord Michael: You know the Masters do not like to cause a confrontation about truths before it is time to do so, or even before a messenger is ready to receive them, or even to consider them. They are tolerant in the extreme and operate in ways that you would regard as very unconventional. Blavatsky’s writing was a mixture of studies of her own, with a focus on controversial records, even the Book of Dzyan which she claimed to be of Tibetan origin. Some researchers associate her with Nazi beliefs and you can see how wrong this is! That particular group of researchers who expect some extraterrestrials to appear in the sky, seem intend to spread the idea that the Ascended Masters are antichrist. Yet there is nothing in the teachings of the Ascended Masters that is not good or that is against Christ, well to the contrary! We recognize the fact that there is a Universal Christ consciousness, and that the path of Ascension consists in integrating this consciousness. It leads to a freedom and resurrection from immortality which is what Jesus Christ taught as well. These researchers do not perceive the fact that it is the Cosmic Christ that is unique, or that could be called ‘the Only Son of God’. One of their reasoning is that the ‘Sons of God’ of Genesis 6 are Nephilim, or fallen angels, and they do not understand that it was the progeny of those Sons of God, that caused the corruption of the Old World. They genetically inherited from their fathers a psychic power that they misused.

The debates of a theological nature on this subject, and that of the Sons of God, date back to 2000 year old controversies when people were much less awakened and dwelled at a lower level of consciousness upon the ladder of the dimensions. Yet these researchers only attribute importance to the old letters, despite the fact they have suffered so much loss in translation, or misleading alterations. They reject the idea that telepathic exchanges can occur today as they did thousands of years ago. Why do they believe that only the Prophets of Israel had the ability for telepathic communication with the higher realms? Now they imagine that a threat will come from the sky, whether this platform of life, or realm, is enclosed, or not, by a dome, or forcefield, that is a final frontier to man. But, my friends, evil came from below, where it was bound in chains. Do not believe in the creation of an enemy that would allow that ‘Evil Pyramid of Control’ to somehow play their cards and use the misinterpretations for the scenarios they have already rehearsed in their science fiction movies. Remember Christ said ‘I am from Above’ and that meant from Heaven, the higher dimensions, which your physical eyes cannot perceive. There is no antichrist figure in the sky, it has been among you for a long time!

And to the Dear ones who believe in antichrist, as well as its appearance in the future, I say: You have been blind, believing that the evil of the world was a normal state. You have not recognized it as this antichrist! It has been around you for a long time, preventing peace and keeping you in a matrix of bondage from which I have been liberating you. I would like to say that we are considering a number of operations to open the minds of the people, and that it is inevitable that they will cause a divergence in opinion. It is part of that birth process in consciousness that will bring change, as well as what the timelines will bring in this new year when the time has come for the serious work to begin. Looking forward to it, as I said before, we are working together for a Project of Resurrection! And I Am with you Always, Archangel Michael.

Lord Michael, De-cloak and Risk Demonization, December 1, 2017

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